Non-NHS Services


There are some services that are not available on the NHS. The Windmill practice has undertaken some of this non-NHS work in the past and charged a fee for the private service. Due to ongoing national issues with GP recruitment and therefore appointment access and availability, we have made the decision to stop offering some private work.

We understand that this may cause inconvenience to some of our patients but we have to prioritise patient care and safety.


Which reports can my GP do on the NHS?

  • Med 3s/ sick notes (statement of fitness to work)
  • To establish unfitness for jury service
  • To enable a person to be registered as an absent voter on grounds of physical incapacity
  • Medical exemption certificates
  • To support a severely mentally impaired person with eligibility for a Council Tax discount
  • Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)/ PIP or other reports to aid with benefit application


Which private reports will my GP do?

  • DVLA reports and exams
  • Fostering and adoption forms
  • Insurance report 
  • Accident Claims
  • Missed Holiday Claims 


Private Letters

If you would like a private letter from a doctor there will be a charge of £60 which is to be paid upfront before the work is completed.

Please note each letter is at the discression of the clinician


Which reports are not offered by my GP at The Windmill?

  • Letters for schools, universities, workplaces or other similar organisations
  • Reports to certify that patients are fit to exercise or undertake a certain activity
  • Letters to report that you are fit to fly whilst pregnant
  • Blue Badge Applications
  • Occupational health reports or employment medicals
  • Passport application signatures
  • Identity or address verification
  • Private sick notes
  • Proof of address for banks


What additional work does the practice do?

We are contracted to provide the following core services:

  • To care for patients who are ill with conditions from which recovery is generally expected
  • To care for patients who are terminally ill
  • To care for patients suffering from chronic disease
  • To advice patients in connection with their health and relevant health promotion advice
  • To refer patients for other appropriate NHS services
  • Contraceptive and postnatal services


We have opted to deliver the following additional services:


  • Cervical screening services
  • Vaccines and immunisations including seasonal flu
  • Minor surgery and joint injections
  • Coil and implant insertions and removals
  • NHS health checks
  • Spirometry
  • Substance misuse treatment
  • Warfarin monitoring
  • Shared care drug monitoring for specific groups
  • Asylum seeker healthcare


If the GP can’t do my form, who can?

We are unable to recommend services but can suggest that you search online for “Private GP clinics in Nottingham” and research yourself and contact the service to discuss costs. If you need to request part of your medical notes from us to enable a private provider to complete a report for you, please discuss this with reception. Please note that we have 28 days to complete these requests and are not able to guarantee a faster turnaround time under any circumstances. We would recommend patients signing up to view their online medical record via the NHS App and then this can be easily accessed and shared as the patient wishes.

School sickness absence requests

Please note that GP’s do not have a statutory duty to provide informal sick notes for children. Your relationship with the school should be such that any concerns over a child’s absence can be resolved without the need for you or the school to ask your GP to provide any supporting evidence.

  • GPs are not able provide short term sickness certifcation for periods of less than 7 days. Your child’s school is obliged to accept a note from the pupil’s parent or guardian during this period.
  • GPs are unable to issue medical certifcates for longer periods of sickness absence unless the patient was seen by the GP at the time of the illness.
  • GPs are not obliged to provide a view on a pupil who has missed a higher than average (10%) number of school days. It is the responsibility of the parent and school to ensure that this absence is legitimate. GP input into this process should not be necessary.
  • GPs are not obliged to provide sickness certifcation for pupils who may miss an external examination (eg, GCSEs or A levels).